Thursday, August 20, 2009

Now that band camp is official over, I would like to take a moment to thank some of the people that made this one of the best camps I can remember. Lori Figueroa and Michelle Lombana did a great job of managing the kids, freezie pops and feeding the staff. We were well fed! Beth Fessler and her crew for fitting the entire band in just one week. I would like to thank our very talented and dedicated staff for their committement to making this a band that we can be proud of. Jonathan Swofford, Grace Duque, Kimbal Seebek, Nate Ouellette, Alisha Gard, Evan Atherton, Andrea McKerlie, Mary Kait Fisher and of course Lance (not pictured, as this was taken after dinner).

I want to thank Vicky Athereton for organizing the DCI trip, we had a great time and great seats. Of course we all need to continue to remember to thank Rebecca Dekker and out tireless booster board.

Finally, I am so proud of the outstanding group of band officers that we have this year: Bethany Wilkes, Josh Studdard, Nick Cuilla, Beaky Reap and Katie Magee. They have and continue to demonstrate great dedication to all of us. We already have so much to be proud of. I think is going to be a great season.