I am listening to a lot of new music for us to consider. I thought it might be good for you to join me. I have listed them by NC State Grade level. You can find Youtube recordings of most of these. Send me an email or a note with you thoughts. No extra credit I'll just like you more than the rest.
Grade VI
Year of the Dragon, Sparke
Dance Movements, Sparke
English Dances I, Arnold
Symphony for Band, Persichetti
Harrison's Dream, Graham
Trittico, Nelhybel
Symphonic Movement, Nelhybel
Toccata Marziale, Williams
Grade V
Ricochet, O'Laughlin
Undertow, Mackey
Yosemite Autumn, Camphouse
Dancing at Stonehenge, Suter
Be thou my vision, Gillingham
Grade IV
Among the Clouds, Balmages
Currents, Smith
Mountain Dance, Kiefer
Not Afraid to Dream, Balmages
Tell Tale Heart, Clark
Let me know if there are others that you find along the way that you would like for me to listen to.