Friday, August 20, 2010

Football Friday

Great crowd, great weather. What more can you ask. The band sounded great or loud both were fine. Heres to the begining of another great season. Thank you to all of the fantastic Chaperones/pit crew for all you do to make us look great!

We were treated to a fantastic leadership workshop with one of the best leadership teachers in the country. We had a great time as we learned some outstanding principles.
We will not forget why we take/teach band:
1. The more you do, the more you get, the more you give!
2. win/win
3. Never quit until its perfect.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Band Camp is over

Thank you to all of the great Parents, Staff and students on another great start to a great season! This is the largest Panther Creek Band at 161 and certainly my largest band. It will take a great effort from all of us to maintain high standards and a tight knit band family. I am excitted about our potential!

Pit Crew Hard at work

Marching Band has not officially begun until props are being built.

Thank You to the Smith family and all of the parents, students and company employees that helped in building our props.

I especially love the attention to detail and artistic approach! And the red eyes...more red eyes.